How can Make Recipe: Perfect RatatouilleLearning

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Ratatouille . Add a splash of red wine vinegar, season with salt and pepper, and. Once hot, add the onions and garlic to the pan. Cook the onions, stirring occasionally, until they are wilted and. The word ratatouille derives from the Occitan ratatolha and is related to the French ratouiller and tatouiller, expressive forms of the verb touiller, meaning "to stir up". A rat who can cook makes an unusual alliance with a young kitchen worker at a famous restaurant.

Ratatouille Ratatouille is a classic end-of-summer French stew that's fun to say (rat-tuh-TOO-ee) and fun to make. It's packed with fresh produce: tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and yellow squash, and bell pepper. This summer, we sampled authentic French ratatouille in Provence. You Ratatouille 11 8 .

of Ratatouille

  1. 1 or aubergine.
  2. 1 to courgette.
  3. 4 or tomates.
  4. 2 with poivrons.
  5. 1 or oignon rouge.
  6. 1 gousse and d'ail.
  7. or Thym (quelques brins).
  8. 2 to feuilles de laurier.
  9. of Huile d'olive en quantité suffisante.
  10. to Sel,poivre.
  11. and Tabasco en quantité suffisante (facultatif).

The dish originates from the South of France, where home cooks would toss tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, onions, eggplant, garlic and herbs into a pot and cook them down to create an irresistible mixture enjoyed hot, cold, on its own, with eggs, over toast, or tossed with pasta. The beautiful ratatouille served up in the movie by the same name. Long and narrow vegetables work best. Serve over a bed of brown rice, couscous, pasta or other starch, or with crusty bread.


  1. Commencez par émincez l'oignon en fines lamelles et reservez..
  2. Émincez les poivrons en lamelles..
  3. Dans une poêle mettez de l'huile d'olive et faites revenir l'oignon et les poivrons, ajoutez du sel..
  4. Pendant ce temps coupez l'aubergine, la courgette, les tomates et émincez finement la gousse d'ail..
  5. Ajoutez le tout dans la poêle, ajoutez le tabasco si vous le souhaitez, ajoutez du sel et mélangez..
  6. Ajoutez les brins de thym et les feuilles de laurier et laissez mijoter 30 à 40 minutes en remuant de temps en temps..
  7. Poivrez et goutez pour rectifier l'assaisonnement si necéssaire..
  8. Dégustez..

The title refers to the French dish ratatouille, which is served at. Ratatouille is a bright and chunky summer vegetable stew, rich with olive oil and fragrant with garlic and herbs. Bringing Ratatouille's ratatouille to your dinner table for meatless Monday! With colorful layers of fresh veggies, and garlicky tomato sauce. this veggie casserole is perfect to kick-start week with a comforting vegetarian dish without a lots of calories. Ratatouille takes some time to make, and tastes better the next day, so plan ahead.

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