How to make Treat Recipe: Yummy ChakchoukaInstructions

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Chakchouka . Chakchouka (also called shakshouka) is a Tunisian and Israeli dish of tomatoes, onions, pepper, spices, and eggs. It's usually eaten for breakfast or lunch, but I think it's tasty anytime. It is similar to the Turkish dish 'Menemen' and to the Latin American breakfast dish 'Huevos Rancheros.' Heat olive oil in a medium size pot. The flavor belongs in the recipe, so use a good amount of it. Add the onion and garlic, and before it is brown, add the cumin.

Chakchouka When the cumin is blended, add the tomatoes and peppers, the tomato concentrate, and the harissa. Chakchouka (pronounced SHAK-chouk-ah) is a colorful egg and vegetable dish that is quite popular in many northern African and Middle Eastern countries. The dish originated from Tunisia, a small-ish country on the northern African coast, bordered by Algeria and Libya. You Chakchouka 11 6 .

of Chakchouka

  1. 10 of petites pommes de terre.
  2. 1 and oignon jaune.
  3. 1 gousse and d’ail.
  4. 2 boîtes or tomates pelées.
  5. 300 g with pois chiche égouttés.
  6. and Harissa.
  7. 150 g and mélange 3 poivrons.
  8. with Sel poivre paprika.
  9. 50 g or feta.
  10. with Coriandre.
  11. 6 to oeufs.

Egg shakshuka is a simple one-skillet dish of gently poached eggs in a tasty mixture of simmering tomatoes, green peppers, onions and garlic. A few spices are added, and they may vary slightly from one recipe to another. Directions Heat the olive oil in a medium ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Shakshuka is a dish of poached eggs with tomatoes, onion and cumin.


  1. Éplucher et couper vos pommes de terre en 2. Faire revenir dans une sauteuse avec de l’huile d’olive. Réserver dans une assiette quand elles sont cuites..
  2. Dans la même sauteuse, faire revenir l’oignon et l’ail mixés. Ajouter les tomates et 2/3 pois chiche..
  3. Ajouter la harissa à votre convenance. Saler et poivrer. Ajouter le mélange de poivrons et les pommes de terre. Laisser mijoter 15 minutes à feu moyen. Casser vos œufs dedans et mettre au four 7/8minutes à 180•C..
  4. Faire revenir le reste de pois chiche dans une poêle à feu fort avec un peu de sel / poivre et paprika. Réserver..
  5. A la sortie du four, mettre les pois chiche grillés, un peu de feta, et de la coriandre..
  6. A déguster avec du pain..

I learned about it while traveling through Southeast Asia, and it's been my favorite way to eat eggs since. —Ezra Weeks, Calgary, Alberta Shakshuka Recipe photo by Taste of Home If you are not familiar with shakshuka, I am thrilled to introduce the concept to you! Shakshuka is a North African dish that is now popular throughout the Middle East. This easy and healthy egg dish is vegetarian, gluten free, and incredibly delicious. Shakshuka is an easy, healthy breakfast (or any time of day) recipe in Israel and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa. It's a simple combination of simmering tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices and gently poached eggs.

Testimonials How to make Treat Recipe: Yummy ChakchoukaInstructions

